The Accelerated School Administrator Program (ASAP®) provides detailed courses, formative and summative assessments, and printed and online learning content to identify and enhance the skills of school leadership candidates, teachers, assistant principals, principals and administrators.
ASAP content is aligned to the 2015 Professional Standards for Educational Leaders as approved in October, 2015, by the National Policy Board for Education Administration (NPBEA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). [These newly published standards replace the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) Model Policy Standards for Educational Leaders (2008 and revisions).]
ASAP is current, content-rich, research-based and designed to provide differentiated learning tools and resources that integrate with school district and Local Education Agency (LEA) professional development programs, helping your educators become proficient school leaders.
View the video testimonials from actual program participants on our YouTube channel.
The Accelerated School Administrator program is provided in a blended learning format, and can be customized to the needs of your state, district or Local Education Agency (LEA).
Aligned with the 2015 Professional Standards for Educational Leaders, ASAP dimensions include:
- Vision & Mission
- Instruction
- Staff Development
- Learning Environment
- Instructional Capacity
- Community Engagement
- Operations & Management
- Decision Making
- Professional & Ethical Behavior
- Continuous School Improvement
View a brief introduction on our YouTube Channel 
Download our product sheet in PDF form
ASAP Components Include:
The InBasket simulator
The InBasket simulates a ‘day in the life of’ a school principal, and assesses skills in a variety of dimensions. Past users will be familiar with the Decision-making and Prioritization InBasket. InBasket simulators are now available in each of the dimensions of ASAP, assessing skills essential to effective educational leadership. Reports are generated instantly upon completion, making this a valuable activity for small group learning, or cohort assessment. It is designed to promote self-assessment within both a small group and school team context.
As each individual selects from a series of assessment components, a leadership style emerges. Participants and the district receive objective and measurable feedback. This assessment and learning tool can be used for individuals wanting to practice being in the shoes of the school administrator, as well as experienced school leaders wanting to review their skill sets and capacities within specific dimensions.
ASAP Course Modules
As leadership needs of administrative candidates have been identified, or areas of continuous learning for educators have been prioritized by the district, the ASAP Course Modules provide high-quality, interactive blended learning. ASAP Course Modules qualify for Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits in many jurisdictions, including 300 clock hours of total credit under the Pennsylvania Inspired Leaders (PIL) program, approved by the state. There are 20 learning modules directly correlated to the 2015 Professional Standards for Educational Leaders, and meeting or exceeding the state standards in your jurisdiction.
The Educational Leadership Assessment
The Educational Leadership Assessment (ELA) quickly identifies high-quality administrative participants and shows them their leadership development needs. The ELA consists of 10 timed multiple-choice assessments, aligned to the 2015 Professional Standards for Educational Leaders and your state’s leadership standards. Determine the needs of prospective principals in half the time and complement your existing professional learning program. The ELA helps districts to target candidates’ learning, get quick and effective results, and makes assessing candidates easier and less expensive.
For individuals, the ELA provides prescriptive reporting to help you quickly lay out an individualized learning plan so you can spend your valuable time only focusing on areas of need.
You can view the ELA orientation video on our YouTube Channel
Tried and Tested
The Accelerated School Administrator Program has been used in 11 of the 50 largest school districts in the U.S., impacting almost 1.9 million students nationwide. School districts across the U.S. are feeling the impact of a shortage in both funding and qualified school administrator candidates. ASAP can help alleviate the impact of this and satisfies the qualification requirements for funding under RTTT and, in many circumstances, Title I, Part A, or in the case of an ASAP Academy, Title II of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
In Newsweek Magazine’s list of 1300 Top US high schools, 80% of Florida schools listed were partner districts who have used the Accelerated School Administrator Program (ASAP). Over 9,000 participants have gone through the ASAP program and ASAP was named as one of the top 100 Leadership Development programs in the United States by Administrator Magazine.
ASAP supports quality leadership development with a competency-based, rather than a time-based approach. ASAP helps districts to identify and guide quality candidates quickly and efficiently. The ASAP program is integrated into partner district programs to support leadership candidates in individualized as well as group study.
The web-based applications work because the learners have provided input at every phase of development.”
(Bessell, 2002)