
Course Module: Continuous School Improvement


SKU: ASAP-M18 Categories: ,


An effective educational leader promotes the success of every student by ensuring the development of a culture of continuous school improvement. This course module provides information, tools, and processes supporting effective teamwork, measurable goals and a guide to school improvement planning that engages the community and stakeholders.

A culture of continuous improvement requires discipline and constant forward momentum (Mourshed, Chijioke, and Barber, 2010). Schools and systems that are recognized as being among the best and most improved achieve significant and sustained growth in student learning outcomes as measured by national assessments. They experience year-over-year learning gains, evidenced by increases in student performance spanning multiple data points and subjects.

Success is not predicated on spending. Many large school systems have dramatically increased spending on education with little or no overall improvement in student outcomes. In some cases, districts and states that increased spending actually saw student outcomes stagnate or regress. Some adequate level of spending is required, as poorer districts traditionally underperform, but money alone is not the answer. Systems that continually improve student performance achieve more with fewer resources.

Effective educational leaders act as agents of continuous improvement to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.”
NPBEA, 2015

Modules contain pre- and post-tests for self assessment. Feedback from each test identifies chapters where additional review is required.

Each chapter contains a workbook with exercises that you will be asked to complete, and resources you can use for continuous learning.


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