The Decision Making & Prioritization InBasket simulates the issues that face a busy principal each day. A key characteristic of an effective...
InBasket: Community & Parent Relationships
The Community & Parent Relationships InBasket simulates the issues that face a busy principal each day while interacting with the broader... -
InBasket: Diversity
The Diversity InBasket simulates the issues that face a busy principal each day while interacting with the broader school community in a diversity-enhanced... -
InBasket: Shared Vision
The Shared Vision InBasket simulates the issues faced by a busy principal each day while working continuously to create, sustain and evolve... -
InBasket: Professional & Ethical Behavior
The InBasket for Professional and Ethical Behavior simulates the issues faced by a busy principal each day while working to maintain a sense...
The InBasket simulates a 'day in the life of' a school principal, and assesses skills in a variety of dimensions. Past users will be familiar with the Decision Making and Prioritization InBasket. InBasket simulators are now available in each of the dimensions of ASAP, assessing skills essential to effective educational leadership. Reports are generated instantly upon completion, making this a valuable activity for small group learning, or cohort assessment. It is designed to promote self-assessment within both a small group and school team context.
As each individual selects from a series of assessment components, a leadership style emerges. Participants and the district receive objective and measurable feedback. This assessment and learning tool can be used for individuals wanting to practice being in the shoes of the school administrator, as well as experienced school leaders wanting to review their skill sets and capacities within specific dimensions.
Learn how to complete the InBasket by reviewing the InBasket Assessment Orientation Slideshow.
Click on the InBasket titles below to learn more and enroll.