
Course Module: Using Data for Teaching & Learning


SKU: ASAP-M02 Categories: ,


This course module guides the school leader on effective use and analysis of data to improve student achievement, enhance your skills as an instructional leader, and improve teacher effectiveness.

The Standard:

Education leaders promote the use of rigorous curricula, which set high expectations for students and are aligned to academic standards. They seek to maximize student learning through authentic and differentiated pedagogy, systems of support and effective assessment strategies that inform instruction. They develop and coordinate these systems in ways that create opportunities to personalize the academic program to meet individual student needs.”

This module defines and clarifies various types of student achievement data and reviews the types of visual representations of the data. Critically, it presents ways to interpret these visual representations, focusing on the issues presented by the data that should be addressed in setting curriculum and classroom improvement plans.

Modules contain pre- and post-tests for self assessment. Feedback from each test identifies chapters where additional review is required.

Each chapter contains a workbook with exercises that you will be asked to complete, and resources you can use for continuous learning.


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