As a Florida Association of School Administrators member, your district’s Professional Development department qualifies for a free 30-day reviewer’s access of ASAP
The Accelerated School Administrator Program (ASAP®) provides detailed courses, formative and summative assessments, and printed and online learning content to identify and enhance the skills of school leadership candidates, teachers, assistant principals, principals and administrators.
ASAP content is aligned to the 2015 Professional Standards for Educational Leaders as approved in October, 2015, by the National Policy Board for Education Administration (NPBEA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO).
Get 30-day free reviewer’s access to all of ASAP’s online resources so you can see first-hand how it works, allowing you to make plans for implementation. When you sign up, you’ll get reviewer’s access to:
- ASAP Course Modules:
- Shared Vision
- Using Data for Teaching & Learning
- Assessment & Evaluation
- Staff Development
- Team Building
- Collaborative School Culture
- Diversity
- Community in the Classroom
- Building Instructional Capacity
- Instructional Leadership
- Community & Parent Relationships
- Operational Leadership
- Decision Making & Prioritization
- Professional & Ethical Behavior
- Continuous School Improvement
- School Entry Planning
- Educational Leadership Assessment
- 5 ASAP InBasket Assessments in the following leadership dimensions:
- Decision-Making & Prioritization
- Community & Parent Relationships
- Diversity
- Shared Vision
- Professional & Ethical Behavior
- 16 Case Study Assessments
- 15 ASAP Workbooks
- Facilitator Guides and Scoring Rubrics
- Sample Reports to see the data you will receive with each of the ASAP resources for your cohorts
ASAP can be used as a stand-alone online program, blended with your existing face-to-face program, as an academy program that includes online resources and in-person retreats, or as a train-the-trainer program.
To discuss how ASAP can complement your existing school leader professional development plan, please contact us. To sign up for the free 30-day reviewer’s access, complete the form at the top of this page.