Case Study: Developing Professional Development the Tech Way

Developing Professional Development the Tech Way
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About This Case:

Research is replete with evidence demonstrating that greater collaboration will foster collegial trust, enhance job satisfaction, promote teacher success in the classroom, and improve student responsibility (Fullan, 1993; MetLife, 2010; Mourshed, Chijioke, & Barber, 2010). Districts and/or schools are therefore charged with the responsibility of creating and promoting structures which will allow collaboration to occur. Technology offers such a venue to accomplish this task (Bonk, 2009; Zhao, 2009).

Ultimately, through effective and innovative use by the organization (in this case a school or district), Internet and virtual technology have the capacity to place faculty and administrators into safe and secure communities. Within these secure communities, the organization can provide administrators and teachers with access to familiar social networking tools, allowing them to establish meaningful, relevant and authentic learning relationships with partners of varying skills, opinions and backgrounds. With such access, they can collaborate in discussions, share tasks, review and assess each other’s work and co-construct knowledge; arriving at a shared understanding and deep learning in alignment with core skills and standards (Frick, 2012).

This case will provide learners with an opportunity to consider how to address a situation involving technology integration, specifically its use for professional development purposes. The case provides details regarding the situation but offers no solutions; learners will demonstrate proficiency in the given areas by responding to the questions following the case.

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